Friday, October 4, 2013

Who is behind

Did you know that Barrie Wedding Deals was created by a local wedding vendor just like you? It's true, and this is our story.
The Barrie Wedding Deals website was created by Nadia Mantsvetova, a local graphic and web designer who got into the wedding industry by doing photography and creating wedding invitations. As a wedding vendor Nadia explored multiple facets for marketing. After trying multiple large online wedding directories, she was getting nowhere with her marketing at which point she turned to local bridal shows. Although having met several great customers the return on the investment was rather low; a problem experienced by many wedding vendors.

Smaller towns tend to get lost on giant national and international directories and many bridal show guests tend to forget meeting you way before they are ready to book your services for their wedding.
At this point, Nadia who is a bride herself and her fiancé and partner, decided to come up with a new exciting resource specifically designed to connect local vendors with brides and grooms in the north of Toronto area.
This is how Barrie Wedding Deals was born. It grew from a simple idea into a professionally designed and highly optimized website, built to attract hundreds of engaged couples, not just from Barrie, but from surrounding areas all within reach of your business.
Since then, has become a highly popular website with hundreds of registered brides and grooms. Since our launch in April 2013 we have done a number of amazing giveaways including the Luxury Bridal Package through the radio, the social media Diamond Sparkle Contest, and a wedding treasure hunt - all designed to bring exposure to local vendors.

Vendors who have chosen to do additional advertising on have already experienced a huge amount of success, booking numerous 2013 and 2014 weddings.
We are excited to learn that more and more people are hearing about us and our vendors through word of mouth exposure and that is quickly becoming THE place to go for the best local professionals and their offers.

We have decided to take things one step further by hosting our own bridal show on November 17, 2013, at the waterfront Kempenfelt Conference Center. Because our own experience with standard bridal shows has been less than successful, we have created a slightly different and improved formula. We are providing champagne, hors d'oeuvres, beauty treatments, live music, and an exciting honeymoon travel prize for one lucky bride. Aside from the luxuries we are also providing comfort. Nothing is worse than hanging around a stuffy room while having nowhere to sit and put your jacket! This is why our guests will be able to enjoy coat check, and a cocktail lounge: everything they need to stick around and enjoy meeting our vendors in comfort! The best part is that every single vendor at our show can be found on! We are here to remind brides of who you are, and to provide a resource for them to find you long after the show is over!

We plan to continue growing and improving at an even faster rate than we have been. Thank you all for your continued support and we hope to see you at the Barrie Wedding Deals Bridal Show and Cocktail Party!